WOAH! I got my braces off yesterday!! so crazy!! so exciting!! ahhhhhh! whata journey!!
and they are so pretty! I had no idea what to expect with the removal process of the braces, so I took some advil before hand just in case! so literally it took my orthodontist like under a minute to take my braces off, it was nuts, I didn't even realize they were off. Pretty aggresively he takes these clippers and (this is what I think he's doing at least) clipping the wire in between each tooth, then he goes to my back teeth where I have the braces around the entire tooth (it's on each of my last teeth for those who never had a brace face) so he yanks on those, I thought he pulled my tooth out from the amount of pressure, but they are still there! so he pulls all 4 of them off, then he's like "go brush your teeth, there is still glue on them but we'll get it off" so off I go, and I look in the mirror and my braces were off! I had no idea he took them all off! like in one clean swoop! so he wasn't cutting the wire, because my braces were still intact, it's pretty amazing. so I'm like holy crap my braces are really off! HELLO HUGE TEETH! are my first thoughts, damn I look like a horse! but I was trying to relax...just gotta get used to them (and I am now :) ) after the brushing I had a permanent retainer put in my bottom front teeth, on the inner side (again for those of you who never had braces). then I took some x-rays, then I got the glue off my teeth with some crazy drill, again pretty aggresivley this dude is just going to town on my teeth. I have water all over my face and the smell of a bowling alley ball return in my nose (from the burning glue). then he buffed it all out? or something? he told me my gums would be swollen for a few days, and yes they were and a little bloody. and then I took some pictures, then I got fitted for my retainer I have to wear at night...almost forgot that, good thing I'm writing this now...and it looks like invisalign, and it's not annoying to wear or anything. Then I left and came back a few hours later to pick up my retainer and I got a PINK case for it! then I spent the rest of the day licking my teeth...super duper smooth. I feel like they aren't my teeth. Michele says they are too perfect and look like veneers. So that's fine with me :) I don't have to see my ortho. for another 16 weeks. I do have a physical therapy appt. for my eye that just won't raise! wahhh! so we'll see what she says and I'll keep whoever is reading this updated. so far so good! my jaw feels good, my teeth feel good, my maxilla is still numb and some parts of the right side of my face. My scar is almost invisible. and yes I'll be 24 on Thursday! whoop! :)