I had my 1 year appt. with my oral surgeon a few weeks ago. As I waited for him the nurse or tech. or whatever was asking me how I was doing since the surgery and if there were any issues I was having and I told her that my eyebrow on the right side still didn't raise and that Dr. Kallal knew this was an issue before and it still doesn't completely raise. She was so confused by this statement and asked me what I meant, and I repeated myself. and then I said see...and I raised both eyebrows and of course only the left side raised, and she still didn't get it. She's like wait do it again, and then she see's it and she's like you can't raise the other eyebrow? Like she thought I was kidding or something it was really awkward. So then Dr. Kallal comes in, and I tell him the same thing and I told him that I went to physical therapy and he just said "Yea, it might not come back" ...so whatever...it is what it is. I'd rather have a pain free jaw. Then I had to get some x-rays and pictures taken and he told the tech. to take pictures of my eyebrows raised. So during that photoshoot she said, okay raise your eyebrows, and 1 raised...obviously. and she said..."You can't raise the other one at all?" ummm NO! wtf?!? like this is the whole point, why would I bring it up if I could raise it...it was soooo weird! anyways so I took a picture of my xray shown below! My 5 plates and 20 screws! (4 on top, 1 on bottom left..but bottom right in the picture) and my permanent retainer shows up on my bottom teeth too! So from now on I get to see my surgeon 1/year for the next 5 years, unless some issue happens and screws start falling out of my mouth :/ and I'll see my orthodontist in August...first time since my braces have been removed! so yea, still going strong! pain free! happy as can be! Thanks for all of your support and love during all my jaw drama! love you! :)