How much longer?
only a few more weeks?....these are questions I'm hearing quite often, and I'm not even sure what the specific question is. I'm still a bit swollen which could take 6 months to a year to completely go away. I'm still pretty numb, esp. on my upper lip area right under my nose, because that is where 4/5 plates are, I'm also numb on the roof of my mouth, but only in the front part - like that little area right before the roof sort of caves in. and I'm still really numb on my right side, it's numb but sensitive, it's sore to the touch. My incision is looking pretty good, feels weird sometimes though, like if I move my face a certain way I can feel it, like it might rip apart if I continued with the face motion...yeeks. Anywho...the numbness can last for up to a year too, everyone is different. I hope it doesn't take that long, but I'm not going to really worry about it until 7/7/11. My right eye is pretty amusing though, I can't wink with it, still can't raise the eyebrow, that's why I've been wearing my glasses instead of contacts all the time because sometime it looks lazy or something (sloth-like), and it randomly gets puffy, it feels like a bruise around it, but numb at the same time. I was trying to put on eye shadow the other day for the first time since surgery and normally I can just shut one eye and apply the shadow, but since I can't close my right eye and keep my left open I literally had to hold the eye lid down. As far as my rubberbands, I have no idea how long I'll have them on, I've never used them before I had surgery, but I know people with braces do wear rubberbands to correct whatever needs to be corrected so I could be wearing them as long as I have my braces. I had a doc. appt. last Friday. Everything is still looking good. When I bite I touch on the right side first, so he moved my rubberbands around, 3 on the left and 1 of the front/right, to even out the bite. Oh and I asked about my oily face, I was hoping it was a normal symptom...uh no, the only thing he said was maybe it's from the medicine. So hopefully that's it. He also gave me the OK to drink from a straw! sooo much more convenient than a syringe! but still no chewing. I'm not sure when I will be able to, I'm just taking it 1 appt. at a time..and my next one is Aug. 17th. I also have an my first orthodontist appt. since my surgery the day before that. I'm a little nervous, I hope if they tighten my braces it doesn't bother me too much. So to answer the question.......I have no idea how long, ask me in a year :)Since my rubberbands are more bunched together I'm able to open my mouth a little wider, which has been cause for my rubberbands to snap in my mouth! It doesn't hurt it's more of a surprise, hopefully I don't swallow one. I SNEEZED for the first time since my surgery on Saturday! Wasn't bad at all, it was actually less intense of a sneeze than I normally sneezed. I've sneeze 7x since that day too, getting back to my old self by the day! I also drove my car, didn't forget how to do that! It's been an eventful weekend!
yummy!! (minus the brain freeze)
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