Friday, January 7, 2011

6 Months Post Op!

Happy New Year!
It's been 6 months since I've had surgery! Crazy!!! I went to the orthodontist on Wednesday and he did a little tweaking and said "We just need to close this space and you're done!" and...I don't even know what space he's talking about, so it can't be that big, which shouldn't take too long to close then right? It's somewhere on the top though, he put a power band (I think that's what it's called) on the all of my top teeth, its bascially a rubberband that stretches across your teeth and pulls them in close and tight! So I'm a little sore from that. So my next appt. is on 2/2! There is a very good chance my braces will be off then! That's going to be weird! I don't even know the process of braces removal, that's kind of freaking me probably hurts. and I have no idea what kind of retainer I will have...permanent? that clear invisalign-esque one? or that metal one with the pink stuff in the middle that looks like a sliver from a strawberry? do they even have those anymore? Not sure. But I did make an appt. to get my teeth cleaned immediately after my braces are off...hopefully there isn't too much discoloration. I just can't wait to FLOSS awkward-free! My top teeth in the front are still very numb. I haven't made an appt. with the physical therpaist for my eye yet, because I'm trying to make it work myself and save some money! :) ok I think that is all for now.....I got a new camera for Christmas so I'll put up pics...eventually :)
tata for now!

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