This is my arm from where I donated blood, the picture doesn’t do justice..there is a nice bruise there. I have tiny veins and I just had lab tests done the day before and they took blood from that arm. I went to lifesource today to donate blood to myself and the used the same vein because apparently I only have one, she sticks the needle in and nothing, no blood. So another lady came into help and wiggled the needle around..ouch. Finally blood came rushing out..half a bag later it slowed down a lot, so I had to continuously squeeze this ball in my hand, my fingers were getting so tingly and my arm was killing me, but in the end I managed to fill up the bag!
This is a pic of my nails I got done today with my mom..Perky Purple! However, I just found out I can’t wear polish during surgery, word is that they need to see your finger nails because if you aren’t getting enough oxygen your nails turn blue. Bummer. but I’d rather have oxygen then perky purple nails. plus my mom said she’d repaint them after…what a gem!
…..8 days..wholey moley!
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