Thursday, July 1, 2010


I went to Costco today..what a crazy store…the carts are huge, I can’t even push it and it’s such a hassle to get around people with their giant carts, and the main thing I went there for (Ensure) they didn’t even have…lame. So I got a mini 10 pack of Naked juice and this Yoplait smoothie mix thing. I had other items on my list like chicken broth, but I wasn’t sure if I would need 12 cans of it…so I headed to Walmart, where I felt super strong pushing their dinky cart. I got my Ensure, Blistex, a cute tiny humidifier, SOME chicken broth, vanilla ice cream…well here’s a pic:

oh yea and the V8 fusion stuff…it’s a fruit juice that also has veggie’s but supposedly you can’t taste the veggie’s because they are hiding in the fruit..which is great for me because I’m really not into drinking vegetables, but I gotta get them in my diet somehow! shot out to Michele for the babyfood! can’t wait till I get to eat that!…and I’m serious because that means I’m at stage 2 which is closer to 3 which means I’ll be eating food again! Oh, and this is that tool they gave me to feed myself with…

that red thing is a tube that attaches to the end of the turkey baster, I’m supposed to cut it so it’s not really that long. but yea…I think what I ordered will be much better.

I had my lab tests done this morning and I’m donating blood to myself tomorrow..just in case I lose blood in surgery they can give mine back to me. In the afternoon my mom is taking me to get my nails did and then dinner with Rachele…yay! Wednesday morning I’m going the dentist to get my teeth cleaned one last time before the big day. Dr. Kelly is the best dentist ever so if you need one- go to him … :)

…..9 more days. and yes I’m freaking out inside. So I guess that means I’m freaking in.

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