I am scared though, I'll admit that. I just hope everything goes well during surgery and after of course. I can't even really imagine what I'm going to go through. I'm prepared as I'll ever be, but all the post surgery pics of others, all the food and tools and supplies I have, all the reading I've done, there's nothing that can really prepare you for this. It's like childbirth...but in your face. haha...no I can't even compare that, I've never given birth. But when I told my sis Nichole I'd be in the hospital for 2 days she said "oh, the same amount of time you get to stay for vaginal birth"....excellent.
I actually found quite a few people who had jaw surgery who also wrote blogs and I contacted this one girl who had a similar surgery a year ago and she wrote back so I'm pretty excited I'll have someone to talk to who went through it.
19 more min. till midnight...currently drinking water and just ate some strawberry waffles, I got hungry okay? I still have to shower and remove my nail polish & brush my teeth like I've never brushed them before...that is a luxury I'm sure I'll miss. I mean I still get to "brush" them, but yea...what is "brushing" anyways.
I'm all packed (thx for the bag Sandy!) got a few items including a dry erase board (thx CP), interview with the vampire (thx JMC), some slippers made by my Mom....and that's pretty much it because I'm not sure what else is there to bring..and my family is pretty awesome so I'm sure if I need something, they'll get it for me :) thanks in advance.
Inspirational convo of the night:
L: there is a dying moth on my floor
J: awwL: i know
L: i think it died or its sleeping
J: awww
J: hah
J: sleeping
J: death is sleeping
L: crap
L: i hope I don't die
L: it's not my time
J: it will be if you die
L: i suppose
J: but I'm hoping you won't either
L: holy shit the moth started moving!
L: i'm taking that as a great sign :-)
True Story Folks!

Love & Hugs
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